Monday, January 17, 2005

Chapter 11 - Christopher

* It was yet another fine day. However, it was a terrible day for Adeline. She arrived school not by walking to school, like she did before but in a limo which she never did like to use as a transport. After stepping out of the limo, she caught sight of students gaping at her and the limo. They did not know that Adeline was that rich. After the exit of Adeline, out came a handsome guy who had a pair of sunglasses on. Wow! gasped those guy-crazy girls in the school. However, the guy didn't even glance at them but simply walked confidently beside Adeline. They found a quite deserted corner and spoke in low voices. Adeline seems to be very angry and upset whilst the guy was like pleading her. As they stood up to leave, Dion, Serene and Yuli scampered up and spoke as casual as they could to overcome their excitement.
"Yoz, Adeline! Aren't you introducing us to your friend?" Dion asked cheerfully. Adeline was in no mood to answer. However, the guy smiled and answered,
"Adeline's fiance, Christopher."
"WHAT!!!" Three of them gasped.
"'m Dion" Dion managed to stutter.
"Serene." After introducing themselves, the trio quickly escaped without starting a conversation.

[Ade's POV]
What luck. How could I forget that Christopher was coming today? If not, I would have banged myself on the wall and stay unconscious in the hospital. There's only a reason why Christopher came all the way from France. To discuss our marriage in the far away future. To think my parents still remembered it when they were so busy with their so-called big businesses in France and England. I didn't speak a word all the way from the airport to the school. He should count himself lucky for not earning a punch from me. I had to wake up at 5 am. 5 AM YOU KNOW!!! It's all that housekeeper, Maria's fault. She insist on me wearing a so-called sophiscated attire before letting me leave the house. This is sooooo unfair.... and how can our parents be so impatient for us to get married?!?!? Perhaps I know why. They were afraid that the history would repeat itself. I would meet another guy and falls in love with him. They'd already murdered Sly, do they think that I'd let another guy die because of me? I insisted on delaying the date of our marriage but our parents insists that it should be held the earlier the better. I know it isn't Christopher's fault but I can't help throwing my temper at him, could I? Others might be hoping all their lives to marry a handsome, rich and kind guy like Christopher, but definitely not me. Perhaps, it's because I still can't forget Sly, and could not help thinking about how Sly used to call me by my nickname.

[Sly's POV]
I heard that Adeline arrived school in a limo and with a guy who introduced himself as Adeline's fiance. I could vaguely hear my heart break. Hey Sylvester Sim!!! What are you thinking? Adeline was never yours and furthermore, you should be happy that Adeline has finally found her true love!!! But....Adeline don't look happy...She looks as if she's forced to marry that guy...I left the school in low spirits. I don't know why, but I don't like the idea that Adeline's marrying at such a young age. I just hope that this does not affect our performance during the Talentime Competition.

PS: had a heacdache but continued with it...haiz....i dun hav much inspirations u guyz wait a while more kkz?


At 2:11 PM, Blogger Daryl Zion said...

man ur story is sooo much lyk a drama! Haha cool but u mus work on ur grammar

At 3:24 PM, Blogger xy. said...

it is drama lorz....n im a dramatic person, dun u noe tat? lolx:P


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