Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Chapter 7 - Her Story, Her Song

+ After school +
[Sly POV]
As I walked cheerfully along the corridor, I heard noises. Familiar, yet soft. As I fasten my steps towards it and just as I turned around the corner, I saw Nick pushing Adeline forcefully against the wall and tried to kiss her. I don't know why but I was fuming with anger as I pushed Nick aside and gave him a punch. Saved, Adeline took off in a great speed as I continue to punch Nick. Until he was bruised all over, I stopped as I knew that he no longer had any strength to fight. I quickly sped to the detention room, where I thought Adeline would be in. However, she was not in it. She sure gets the information fast, as I recalled that Adeline no longer has detention. As I leaned against the wall, I thought about where could she be at this time. Music Room 4, I thought. I haerd that she has had the room booked even before she transferred in. Just like me.

I sped to the room and saw her, once again playing the piano. She looks so innocent and sweet when she plays that. Hey, what are you thinking SYLVESTER SIM!!! Do you think you stand any chances? Dream on! I saw her turned her head around and signalled me to close the door and sit on the chair near the piano.

"I...I...." I stuttered as I looked at my shoes.

"I know it. Thank you." She whispered softly but audible to me. Her question next surprised me.

"Do you care to listen to a song I composed?" Wow! She actually composes song, like me!!! I nodded my head and widen my ear to listen.

There was once where we were together
through thick and thin we overcomed the sorrows
I remember, you once was the sorrows of mine
I never believed you but was willing to give you a chance
When I told you

I'll never believe in love if u aren't beside me
you nodded your head and said that you felt the same
I remember, I was touched in my heart
We promised never ever be apart
Alas, promised are meant to be broken
you left me alone in this world
100 days after our promise

(Repeat verse 1 and chorus)

Before you release my hands
you promised you'll never leave me
but promises are meant to be broken
You left me alone in this world 100 minutes later
I'll keep my promise to you
I'll never believe
Never ever believe
Never believe love again..........
without you.........

"The song's called I'll Never Believe in Love." She said as she turned her head away from me. I felt that she was shedding tears.

"It's....beautiful. Especially with your piano." I tried to cheer her up. I saw her wiping her tears before turning back to face me.

"Thank you so much. This is the first time I'm singing Live to anyone." She whispered. She got up and smiled. "You might have guessed, the person peeking at you practising that time was me. And, I think that with the combination of my piano, An Jing sounds better. Since the original song was from a piano."

I nodded my head in agreement. She was right. I got up from my seat, and sped to Room 5 to get my guitar. When I returned, Adeline looked amazed but she understood what I meant. Slowly, she played her piano and we worked beautifully with the song. I didn't know that we had such chemistry. We practised and practised, till the song was flawless. Suddenly, I had an idea.

"Hey, why don't we participate in the Talentime Competition?" I found myself popping the question. When she looked down thoughtfully, I thought she was going to reject it. But Adeline raise her head and nodded in agreement. I was overjoyed! When I looked at the time, I realised that it was already 6pm! I suggested to send her home and she readily agree. However, she refuses to allow me to send her to the gate of her bungalow and simply alighted at the end of her street.

When I was back at home, I couldn't help but think of the song of hers. Was there once an unhappy memory in her life? Who is the "you" in the story? If what she sang in the song was true, does she keeps herself away from others to prevent falling in love? Her song kept circulating in my mind. When she sang the song, her eyes were so sad, but yet, the melody was soothing. I saw the innocent eyes welled up in tears when she was singing the last part. When she sings, her eyes were forever so pure. But when she was pulled back to reality, she eyes becomes confusing and her mind hard to read. However, I was still pleased to have her accompanied me in the Talentime Competition. Slowly, my eyes became heavy and slept.

PS. Another chap done! i cant believe my hands!!! I've completed 2 chaps in 1 day!!! a new record hors! Haiz...too late le...not enough time for another but wait patiently kkz?!?! my brain needs a rest and it has to focus on my hw n projects, which r to be handed in nex yr kkz? which is lik, 3 weeks left!!! 5 projects n a STACK of maths paper plus a BUNCH of summaries!!!! SOOO dead. But dun worry, I wont giv up on tis blog de kkz?!?!?! :D


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