Saturday, December 11, 2004

Chapter 1 - The Girl

[Adeline POV]
Sianz....another school...again. When are they going to stop all these nonsense? Hmm...luckily I know the music teacher, Ms Lee beforehand, if not, I wonder if they would let me book their music room. Anyway, they have 5 whole music rooms I guess booking 1 of it won't be a problem. Really heng I arrived 1 hr early...if not im gonna have those guys whistling n staring at me le....haiz... I wonder where's the music room... Hmmm...shouldn't be a problem, i can jus ask 1 of the cleaners


[Ade] Umm....excuse me ah, may I ask where's music room 4?
[Cleaner *looks at adeline as if she's an alien] At the corner of the school lor...3rd storey hor!
[Cleaner *mumbles] Another music-crazy student....haiz...


*Walks confidently around 3rd floor, towards the music rooms when she felt more n more afraid, causing her to tip toe
[Ade POV]
wah... so isolated de...sure or not? i dun believe people here actually dun like music! Luckily i got Room 4 booked since the day before and got the key straight. If not i wonder which kind soul will give me the key to this eerie place.


*Adeline was walking very quietly towards Rm 4 n jus as she was about to open the locked door when she heard sounds coming from the next room, music room 5. Her fears were soon overcame by her curiosity n she peeped in the half-closed door. Inside the room, a guy was playing Jay Chou's "An Jing" with his guitar n quietly sings along.
[Ade POV]
Hmm...who's that guy? This song...It reminds me of him...Haiz, surely it can't be him.....But...haiz, better not think anymore and leave before he discovers me......

*As Adeline was about to turn around n leave, she accidently kicked on the wall, causing her to be discovered but managed to escaped in fast steps. As you might hav guessed now, the guy is Sylvester, the "bad" ppl in the sch.

[Sly POV]
Who's that? Normally, no one except me would come to the 3rd storey. Her backview don't look familiar to me. It must be some crazy fans of mine. Haiz....forget it.

*The sch's about to start. Every1 were mostly gathered in the canteen chatting. Suddenly, a mysterious figure appear at the entrance of the canteen n started walking through it. With not exact reason, the girl attracted their attention and they stared at her questioningly. However, the girl either was oblivious about her surroundings, or simply ignored the ppl in the canteen, continue walking past it. Watching her backview, Sylvester found it strangly familiar. She's the one who stood outside the room just now, he thought.
The appearance of the mysterious girl seemed to help the students find a common topic among themselves as they chattered uncontrollably until the bell rings, which signals that the lessons are starting.

PS: I really cant change my habit n stop using short forms n singlish lor....paiseh leh my grammer so lan...giv comments to tell me my errors kkz! it would b highly appreciated!!!....will try to change 4 the nex chap kkz?!?!?! anyway, in case u guys r blur:
POV= Point Of View
n i jus wanna show the characters' point of view of each incident lor....dun think tat im lame hor...i really tried my best tryin hard to improve my writin skills le leh!


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