Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Chapter 6 - The Choice

+ Break +
* Sly was totally regretful of what he had done. However, he could not bear to see Candice sobbing that he chose to help Candice. When he was walking along the corridor, he bumped onto someone. When he lifted his head, he was surprised that it was Adeline, with no emotions on her face. Just as she was about to, once again, walk past Sylvester, the latter was reluctant to let history repeat itself. He grabbed hold of Adeline's wrist and stopped her.

"Let me explain, would you?"

"No. What's there to explain? I do not wish to waste my precious time listening to a guy who don't have any sense of justice. Don't you tell me that you have to help your girlfriend, because you are not at all helping her. Instead, you are harming her. Do you want to watch her commit crimes then you understand how wrong you are now? Let me tell you, I'm totally disgusted with you and this incident just makes me feel that you are just like the others." Adeline shot and left Sylvester standing alone, flabbergasted.

[Sly POV]
I thought over what Adeline said at the corner of the little garden at the roof top. She was right, but Candice seems hurt too. Who's right and who's wrong? This question was flashed in my mind for numerous times since the last I've met Adeline. Finally, I decided to go along with heaven's will. Head means Adeline is right. Tail means Candice is right. As I threw the coin upwards, I watched the 10 cent coin intently and caught it in my hand. When I opened my hand, the side was.......

[Ade POV]
Break had just ended but I was in the class for, let's say 15 minutes. Since scolding that crappy Sylvester, I did not know where to go but definitely not to Dion they all. They would certainly not be any help to me. As I sat at my desk, I wondered if I'm too harsh to Sylvester. Hey Adeline! Don't be so kind-hearted! That guy deserves it! But somehow, I felt guilty as I recalled his shocked and sorrowful look when I, like a machine gun, shot him all those angry words. Hmm...he should be all right. ADELINE TAN!!!! Look at you, feeling so guilty! If you knew he'd feel upset then why did you still scold him!!! Hey, that wasn't why I shout at myself in my heart!!! >_> Opps, break's over. Gotta use that awful cold look again.

While more and more students pile up into the classroom, Sylvester that crappy cat did not appear. When he at last appear, I almost explode when he had his arm around Candice as he paced into the class. OH GOD!!! I've forgotten that Candice is in my class for this lesson! Crap, now what? He didn't even look at my direction and simply sit besides Candice, indicating Candice's partner to sit beside me. Argh, why am I so unlucky? Furthermore, her partner was an extremely irritating flirt who keep trying to attract my attention!!! Well, obviously, that cat did not even listened to my scolding!!!! Hey, am I angry? OF COURSE NOT!!!! I shout to myself as I banged the table. Everyone went silent and turned to watch me, who's sitting with a flirt at the back of the room. What now? Now I'm a crazy transfer student who likes to bang tables! I gave them a look and glared at the flirt, who's called don't know what Nick, as he patted my back. Without a warning, I slapped him and turned away.

[Sly POV]
Wow, I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard the bang of the tables. As I turned around, I saw Adeline glare at Nick and gave him a slap. That Nick! He just can't keep his hands to himself!!! How dare he touch Adeline's back!!! I thoroughly regret to let him sit beside her!!!! But, I had to stay with Candice, to compensate her for helping the Justice, or I should say, Adeline.

*~ Flashback ~*
When I opened my hand, the side was Head, which means Adeline's right. Now, I'd have to clear all this with Mr Lee. After telling him what had happened, Mr Lee smiled proudly.

"I'm so glad that you know what's right and what's wrong. Now, how should I punish Candice for lying?"

"Please, Mr Lee, let her and her gang off. They would be upset enough already." I pleaded. After considering for a minute, Mr Lee smiled and nodded.

After leaving Mr Lee, I tried to look for Adeline but with no avail. Instead, I saw Candice who seemed to recover from her pain. I decided to confront her and tell her the truth.

"Candice, I just told Mr Lee the truth about me only seeing Adeline slap you lightly."

[Can POV]
"Candice, I just told Mr Lee the truth about me only seeing Adeline slap you lightly." As Sly approached me, he began.
Luckily I kept my cool and jut whispered, "I knew you'd do that, you are right." My prediction was right. His face was full of guiltiness and asked to accompany me the whole break. At least he didn't look for that act cool girl.

[Sly POV]
The least I could do was to stay by Candice's side. I accompanied her to our class as she had the same lesson as our class. When I entered the classroom, I yearned to look at Adeline but Candice won't let me break the eye contact.

*~ Back To Reality ~*

[Sly POV]
I knew what I did was right. Now, the important thing is to explain to Adeline after school. Which I yearned during the whole day, despite having Candice beside me.

PS. Yoz! How's that? Not bad right? This is wat I lik bout writin the POV of the characters. U will be abbe to see more detail!!! Hmm...I guess u guys out there hate Candice too right? Hmm...Chapter 6 is cuming soon so stay tuned kkz?!?!?!? :P Keep commentin oso horz!!!


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