Sunday, December 12, 2004

Chapter 2 - Who Is She?

* The students in class just could not stop their mouths since the appearance of the girl. "Who is she?", "Is she new?" was asked by everyone. It's for sure that they would not stop talking unless their teacher, also known as Mr Friendly, Mr Lee whom all respected arrive. Well, he did after being late for 5 minutes, but not alone. Beside him was the girl and everyone gaped while she strode confidently beside him.

[Mr Lee] Alright class, im sorry for being late as we have a new student who has transferred to our JC today. Well, c'mon introduce yourself, my dear.
[Ade] Good morning ladies and gentlemen , I'm Adeline.

* All the while, Adeline's eyes remained cold and simply refused to have any eye contacts with the students.

[Mr Lee] Great job! Just what i want, short and sweet. Now why don't you take a seat beside Sylvester?

[Sly's POV]
Giving a slight nod, Adeline approached the seat beside me whilst my fans stared with jealousy. "A disgraceful teacher's pet!" i heard one of them murmured. However, as though it happened to her everyday, Adeline never react to it and sat beside me gracefully.

This is the first time I've ever seen such a cold person, excluding of course myself. Guess we should be quite
good friends. :P

She did not speak but always kept her eyes either on her notes or the whiteboard. I couldn't help but peeked at her notes and was amazed that, not only her speech, but also her notes, were short but to the point. Wow, what more can I, the hopeless case for everything in studies expect when a beautiful brainy sat by me? Just as I was daydreaming(as usual), a piece of paper was passed to me. I was surprised but not more shocked when i found out it was from Adeline.

"Your answer was wrong for question 2. Ade"

When I checked my answers, I was surprised that she was right. She wasn't too bad afterall, I thought.

[Ade POV]
I couldn't figure out why I chose to help him . Perhaps it was because he looked like him. Well, he isn't him anyway, though not only their looks, but their names were the same. Well now Adeline Tan, stop all your thoughts and concentrate!!! You can't possibly risked being exposed that you are a kind person!!! You must be cold, hear that!!!! I was shook back to reality when I heard someone called to me.

"Adeline? Are you here with us?" It was Mr Lee. The students were all staring at me by the time. Some of the girls were even smirking, so I guessed that they must have told on me. Anyway, I was used to it, so it doesn't concern me.

"Yes, just that I have a slight headache." Wow, when did i became such a great liar? Ha Ha Ha, great. Now i'm a liar who is unpopular in school. Luckily Mr Lee just nod and told me to rest my head on the table instead of picking on me.

[Sly POV]
Slight headache? Is she all right? Hey, Sylvester! what are you thinking about? Do you think that she will accept emotionless people like you to be her boyfriend? You must be dreaming! Hmm...but i'm just concerned about a new classmate of mine! Haiz...I should really stop thinking of her....

"Sylvester?" I returned to reality and realise that it was Mr Lee.

"Sylvester? Don't tell me Adeline spread her headache to you?" Mr Lee questioned. I was well known for being inattentive in class. Oh no, I can't use the same tactics as Adeline. All right, i'll try my luck.

"I was listening, Mr Lee."

"Oh yeah? Then can you answer the question 5 on the board."Mr Lee was determined to test on me. Why am I so unlucky? Just then, I saw an answer appear on the note Adeline wrote earlier.

"The answer is 28 23/45." I replied confidently.

Mr Lee looked amazed but I didn't care. Hey, the stone-faced Adeline helped me answer the question! Isn't that something to be happy for?

[Ade POV]
I really don't know what was happening to me. I should be cold, and not kind to him!!! He is not the "him" in my mind!!! Argh, stop day dreaming Adeline Tan! But, perhaps I was just pitying him for being caught whilst day dreaming by Mr Lee.

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong" I heard as the students around me cheered. It must be break time aand along with others, I packed my bag and left the room.

I didn't expect to make any friends as most of the girls just hate me for sitting beside Sylvester. I heard in some of their conversation that Sylvester was the most popular guy in school. Well, I can't help it, can I? I wanted to talk back but thought better of it. Keep your cool, Adeline.

As I sat down on a bench at the corner, a guy tried to slide in beside me and got a cold and freezing stare back instead. I was sure that the guy was shocked as he stood up and escaped. Whenever anyone approached me, I would use my cold stare to counter back them. When it was 15 mins before the break ends, a girl with an old-fashioned spectacles sat across me and I, as usual, look at her with my cold eyes. She did not escape from my stare but instead stare back right into my eyes. She seemed to probed further but stop herself in time. Next, she walked to me and said.

"May I be your friend?"I kept my curiousity in mind and replied,

"Why should I allow you to?" Her answer next surprised me. She sat down beside be and began.

"Because when I look into your eyes, I seemed to be walking through a cold freezing alley. There was a part where it was the coldest of all and I wanted to give up but I perservered on and continue walking. Strangely enough, after that cold alley came brightness and sunshine spreading on the alley which made me feel cheerful.. But when I tried continuing, rain appeared and suddenly I felt sad. That was when I realised that I've probed too much." She turned to me and continued, "Can I be your friend now?"

"Yes, pleased to meet you, i'm Adeline." I was surprised at my act but her speech seemed to melt my coldness as I knew that she was right.

"Serene. Am I allowed to introduce 2 of my friends?" She asked. She was obviously afraid that I would reject.

"I trust your eyesight." I gave her a smile that was right from my heart, and not those emotionless smiles.

Next, I saw her grabbed 2 girls from a corner and pull them in front of me. They looked nervous, yet sincere. Unlike the others, who wanted to be my friend in order to fufil their curiosity.

"This is Yuli." She introduced the girl with shoulder-long hair. She had the ah lian look but I was sure she wasn't one.

"And this is Dion." She introduced the other bubbly girl with sleek long hair but was tied up in 2 ponytails.

"Hello." Three of us said in unison. We couldn't help but laugh as we had such chemistry between us.

PS. Weel, how's tat? better le right, unlike the 1 b4 wich was full of short forms and singlish. lol, im so proud of myself :P hope u guys lik tis n comment on my mistake, please. As u might have known now, whenever the story is said in a outsider's pov, it will hav a "*" before the paragraph. So if u hav any enquries, comment plz!!! :D


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