Monday, December 13, 2004

Chapter 3 - Her Smile

[Sly POV]
I admit I was indeed surprised when I saw her walking in cheerfully into the room. I don't know why, but I somehow felt relieved and happy for her, after hearing my classmates say that her cold stare was unbearable. This is the first time I've ever seen her smile from her heart, and not forced smiles that she used with teachers. Opps. Gotta stop staring at her, she's heading this way.

[Ade POV]
Wow, this is cool! I can't believe I actually got friends!!! Hey, this is getting out of hand. Aren't I supposed to be cold? Never mind, I'll be cold to everyone except them. Haiz, I'm so unlucky that they weren't in the same class as me. And I will have to turn myself back to the statue.

[Sly POV]
As she bounced onto the seat beside me, I had an urge to crack a joke but hey, the Mr Cool who don't talk much in DeQun JC cracking a joke? You must be joking! But before I could stop myself, I found myself turning to her and said.

"Hey, Stone, we haven't really introduce ourselves properly right?" She turned her head and looked shocked. But I was lucky as she was in a great mood as she giggled and shot back,

"Say for yourself, Act Cool Cat!" She giggled again when she saw my amazed look and replied to my question. "Fine then, I'm Adeline Tan"

"Sylvester Sim." I saw her smiled disappeared but back again within a second when she gave me a smile that almost sent my heart thumping like crazy.

[Ade POV]
Well, I have to admit that I was surprised when I heard his name. His name was the same as "him"! But I was sure that it couldn't be possible. He's gone, and never returning back to my side again. That cat was really clever to choose a time like now to talk to me, when I'm so happy. But hey, didn't i hear from the rumours that the Mr Sylvester Sim is a person who don't talk much with girls? Haiz...better stop dreaming le...The next teacher aren't a good chap.

*"Ding Dong! Ding Dong!" The bell rang hours later. Students zoomed out of the school as fast as possible whilst Adeline, unlike the others, went up the 3rd floor to Music Room 4. She was determined to let out her emotions by playing the piano. Without any reason, she started playing Jay Chou's "An Jing" in a soft sad melody. She couldn't help it. Whenever she heard this song, she was reminded of "him", who left her alone in this world to face all the problems by herself.

*~ FlashBack ~*
Sly helped her wear the heart-shaped necklace around her neck as she admired herself in the mirror.
"Wear this necklace to the competition ok?" he whispered.Giving a slight nod, she asked
"What are you going to sing?"
"An Jing from Jay Chou. The song that I liked most." He replied.

The day of the competiton, Sly did well and was the champion. All the efforts they made were worthwhile. She promised herself never to forget his look when he sang it along with his guitar. Never ever.

*~ Back To Reality ~*

* Unknowingly, a tear crept out of Adeline's eyes as she remembered the happy times when they practised the song together. He had left the world, he had left her. He made her change into a person whom she don't want to be. Sylvester was walking past the room when he heard the song. He felt sad. He don't no why but the song seemed to be lowering his spirits. As he peeked into the room, he saw her, with a tear on her cheek. He wanted to comfort her but he don't have the courage. He don't have the urge to practise his songs anymore. He left the corridor quietly as he recounted how happy Adeline was this afternoon and now, crying alone in the room.

*~ Flasback ~*
"Lynn! I won!!! I told you An Jing was just my song. I'm an expert at it!" Sly cheered as he carried the Lynn up and turned her around.

"I know, but don't you think you are getting too arrogant?" Lynn joked playfully and messes Sly's hair.

"But you like it, don't you?" Sly smiled as Lynn pouts.
*~ Back to Reality ~*

* Sylvester clucthed his head. The memories of the past have been tormenting him whenever he recalls anything. However, Sylvester never did found out how Lynn looked like. Whenever memories were recalled, it never show her face. Just as he was in a daze, his current girlfriend, Candice popped beside him and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"Thinking of me again?" She asked. Not replying, he gave her a slight smile and looked down. Candice was the reason why he refused to fall in love with Adeline. He can't bear to see Candice sacrifice for his happiness. He looked up and pull Candice along, acting as if nothing happened and bought her presents to compensate her for not looking up her for a long time. He was actually compensating for not loving her anymore. However, he just don't have the courage to break up with her.

* While they were walking along the road, they met Adeline. She was returning home after her practise. To Sylvester's surprise, she did not greet him and simply walked past him. His heart broke into pieces. He wanted to turn around and grabbed her hand but how is he going to do that with Candice beside him. He could not bear his pain any longer and sent Candice home.

PS. so we hav a new character!
17 yr old
frm rich family
trademark: arrogant, act innocent, possessive
haiz....u guys muz b wondering y sly was her bf i've written, she acts innocent lor and its she who go after sly, not sly go after her lor.....:P bad character lehz!!!


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