Thursday, December 16, 2004

Chapter 8 - The Competition

* As days went by, Adeline and Sylvester became great partners in music as well as studies. While Adeline helps the latter out in his work, the latter gave tips on the music she composes. All was well, except the fact that Candice was still Sylvester's girlfriend and was getting extremely jealous of their good relationship. She was determined to revenge. The Most Popular Girl of the Month is coming. She was sure that with Adeline's arrogant attitude, Candice is bound to win her as she had many friends in school, unlike Adeline, who only has her gang.

* Adeline was walking around, in search of her gang. Suddenly, Candice and her gang stopped her. They looked apologetic but Adeline knew better. She knew that they would not expose their arrogance, not when all was looking. It was just like the other time when they picked a fight with her. No one was around that time.

"I'm so sorry about the other day. I represent my gang to apologise to you." Candice bowed as she said. Everyone was now looking at them, including Sylvester and Adeline's gang. Giving them a look, Adeline simply shrugged her shoulders. She knew that Candice was just trying to gain popularity. "I'm not that petty." she answered. Candice took out a letter from her pocket and passed it to Adeline before leaving the latter.

[Ade POV]
I went to a quiet corner where I opened the letter. "Come to the 4th floor." was all I read. I went straight to the venue and saw them waiting impatiently. "Finally. You have came." Her friend Shernice said.

"Why not? Do you think I'm afraid of a bunch of ah lians?" I shot back.

"We're not here to quarrel." Candice interrupted. "Miss Act Cool Adeline, I'm here to issue you a challenge. If you are able to win me in the Most Popular Girl of the month, I shall not bother you any longer. BUT, if you lose, you are to get out of Sylvester's life and not pester him anymore. AND, you and your gang would have to bow your heads when you see any of us. Are you ok with that?"

I knew sonething was wrong right from the start. "What authority do you have to command me?" I shot coolly.

"I DARE you to!" She almost screamed.

I laughed out loud. "Dare? Only dumb people dares the others and I never accept a dare." I laughed at them. Just as they were about to take action, I continued. "HOWEVER, this is exceptional." and left the place.

+ After School +
[Ade POV]
I met up with my gang as they couldn't wait to ask me what did they do to me. When I told them that I've accepted the dare, they looked horrified.

"You didn't!" Dion exclaimed. Seeing their horrified faces, I asked them about the competition.

" The Most Popular Girl of the Month, also known as MPGM, takes place at the end of each month. And so far, that wretch Candice won every single month since the month she arrived." Serene explained. Obviously, she was the most calmed of all.

"So how are you gonna win her this month? She's too powerful, and she acts innocent, which helps her gain more votes. Even if she didn't try to increase her votes, you are simply too cold to everyone other than us. No one likes cold people. So I guess you have no way out." Yuli sighed. I knew it, she didn't act out the scene this afternoon for nothing. She had a motive. Which is to gain votes. There is no way out, or so they thought. I guess I'd have to use that strategy. The only way out is for me to be back who I am.

+ The Next Day +
As I stepped into the canteen, someone bumped onto me. It was a nerdy student. When she saw who she had bumped, she was horrified. She kept bowing and apologising but she was thoroughly shocked when I squatted down to help her pick up the books. Though I thought no one would notice, but I was willing to help. I did that on my free will. This is because of my serious mood swings. I've seen a psychologist and she was sure of it. One minute I can be really cold, and another minute, I can be really happy. It was getting more and more serous nowadays. Ms Fong, my psychologist said that there was no way to cure it unless I set my mind. However, I've lost the interest to do anything since his death. This is getting serious. Now, I wasn't even sure of what I'm really thinking or feeling. Never mind, I'll just go maniac and knock myself on the wall. That'll be just great.

"Nah." I said as I passed her the books. "Be careful next time ok? Those heavy books might just break your leg." I commented as those books weigh a ton! With that, I left her gaping while I skipped away cheerfully.

[Sly POV]
I turned around from my friends when I heard a loud bang at the entrance of the canteen. It was a bookworm who had bumped onto Adeline. "She's dead." I heard one of my friends say. However, to everyone's surprise, Adeline did not walk away but helped the girl pick up her books. After speaking to the girl, Adeline hopped off cheerfully. She HOPPED!!! was what everyone was thinking. I had overheard Adeline and her friends' conversation yesterday, but I refused to think that she did it in order to win MPGM as from her eyes, I see happiness, and innocence. She did it without any reason.

+ After Sch +
* The whole school was amazed at the change of Adeline. However, they thought she was just gaining votes as Candice had spreaded rumours that the former had challenged her though the truth was the other way round. Sylvester spotted Adeline at the gate and was about to ask her about the rumours when both of them saw a car speeding towards one of the students who was crossing the road. As quick as a bolt of lightning, Adeline rushed forward and pushed him away.

"Bang!!!" The sound of the car crashing onto Adeline was heard around the school.

PS. Yay! I finally plucked out sometime to continue it. Cos i dun wanna left it hanging, you see. But horz, the main reason is cos i dun hav the inspiration 2 continue the story.:P Inspirations cum suddenly while i was changing the settings of my blog lor, hahax, very strange ritez? Aniwaes, gotta continue my homework le, will update when inspirations cum again!


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