Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Chapter 5 - The Incident.

[Can POV]
Whilst I was looking for Sly, I saw him holding the hand of the famous cold Adeline. The look that he gave her was different from his usual. So she was the one who made Sly so troubled. Furthermore, if Sly ditch me because of her, all my face would be thrown away. No, I cannot let that happen. Sly is mine and he'll never leave me. I called for one of my friends, the senior bully of the school to teach her a lesson. Who knows that he would be defeated by her? It's time for me to teach her a lesson personally. The main point is to make Sly leave a bad impression of her.

+ The Next Day +
* Adeline and her gang were walking past the canteen when they heard someone called them.

"Hey, stop there!"

When they turned around, they saw yet another group of girls. Obviously, Candice was the leader. One of her group member said arrogantly.

"How dare you walked past our leader without bowing?" Adeline recognised Candice as Sylvester's girlfriend. Without answering them, they turned around but found that they were surrounded. Dion, Serene and Yuli could not bear it any longer and was about to give them a lesson when Adeline stop them.

"If you want to pick on us, pick on only me. Obviously you don't want them to be involved too." Adeline told Candice.

"But..." Yuli was just about to stop her when Adeline said.

"Move! I'll meet you guys later." When the trio left, Adeline turned to Candice,

[Ade] What do you want now?
[Ah Lian] We want to teach you a lesson for seducing our Da Jie's husband.
[Ade] Which eye of yours saw me seducing Sylvester?
[Ah Lian] You....
[Can] Not matter what, now it's 5 to 1, u can't possibly escape so I suggest you to surrender.
[Ade] There's no such word in my dictionary. If you want to fight, c'mon.
[Can] Sisters, GO!

But before they could react, Adeline had already gave each of them a slap. Just as Candice's gang was howling with pain, Adeline, ignorant that Sylvester has approached them, gave Candice a tight slap.

"If you can't see what I mean by Don't Mess With Me, I'll show you." Adeline hissed.

"Candice!" Sylvester shoued as he ran towards her. Adeline then knew that he had seen the fight. Without explaining, she left them while rushing to meet her gang.

+ The Next Day +
* Adeline and her gang was called to the discipline room. They saw Mr Lee looking upset and Candice and her gang with swollen cheeks. Beside Candice sat Sylvester, who was comforting Candice.

[Ade n Gang] Good morning Mr Lee.
[Mr Lee] This a certainly not a good morning. Take a seat. (after they were seated) Candice and her friends have complained to us that you guys injured them.
[Ade] Not us, it only involved me.
[Yuli] But they were the one who provoked us! We should be the one complaining!
[Mr Lee] That, I did not know. But from what I see, Adeline you indeed injure them badly.
[Ade] I'm those type who admit what I've done. But I will never admit that I hit them hard.
[Can] *sobs* I.....my face are now swollen and you are saying tat you didn't hit me hard?
[Dion] Stop your craps lah idiot. You should get an award for acting so well!
[Ade] Stop it, you guys. Mr Lee, this does not involved Dion they all so can you please sent them back?
[Serene] I understand what Adeline mean. In this case, we'll only be siding Adeline and would fail to see the justice. So even IF Adeline was wrong, we'll still side her.
[Mr Lee] That seems logical. All right, you guys may leave now.
[Yuli & Dion] But...but....*was pull away by Serene*
[Mr Lee] We have an eye witness to show that you indeed hit them hard. Sly, would you say what happened?
[Ade] Wait, Mr Lee. I object to having this person as the eye witness.
[Mr Lee] Why?
[Ade] Since my friends would help me lie, Sylvester's Candice boyfriend, wouldn't he side too?
[Mr Lee] Sly's a fair guy, don't worry.
[Ade] Then I have nothing to say. I just hopes that this witness is righteous.
[Sly] *troubled my Adeline's comment. And yet Candice is so upset*.........I....I indeed saw Adeline slapping them in a great force.*looks down*
[Mr Lee] Very well, the problem is settled! So Adeline, since you are a newcomer, I'll let you off lightly. Slapping each of them costs detention for 1/2 hour. So that means you have 2 1/2 hour of detention today.
[Ade] Very well, Mr Lee, that seems like fair.

[Ade POV]
I was totally disgusted at Sylvester. He obviously don't have any sense of justice. Suddenly, I stood up and gave him a slap.
"That means that I have 3 hours of detention in total, Mr Lee" I shot at Mr Lee before leaving the room. I was totally disgusted at that Sylvester and was determined that he was just like the other guys.

[Sly POV]
I was shocked when Adeline gave me that slap. The pain of her slap seemed to be spreading to my heart. I was so apologetic to Candice that I chose to lie for her. I stood up and left the room. It was when I knew I was wrong. But all was too late. I was sure that when Adeline slapped me, our friendship was too slapped away.

PS. Haiz...I can't believe that I actually could type so fast.....guess it was becos of my crazy brain..lik the story? I dun lik tis chap lor....and tis chap shows how evil is Candice lor she was the one to plan all of it de.....haiz....hope u guys lik it! :P


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