Monday, December 13, 2004

Chapter 4 - Not an easy person

* Staring into space, Sylvester was unable to concentrate on his homework. The image of Adeline walking past him without a word was tormenting him as it repeated again and again in his mind. She had been ignoring him for the past few days. Among his friends, 75% of them were interested in Adeline and he felt jealous when they were around her. However, no matter how hard they try, they never melt Adeline's cold stare. This was the only console he got. Whenever anyone passes love letters to her, without even looking at it, she tore it into pieces and always left that guy standing rooted to the ground, heartbrokened. Finally, he could not bear it anymore and decided to confront her after school.

+ After Sch +
[Ade POV]
I was roaming around the school, waiting for Serene, Yuli and Dion. Just then, I recieved a SMS from them.

"Unable to escape Ms Dennis's clutches..Dun wait 4 us."

Just as I was about to leave, I saw Sylvester approached me. I quickly stood up and was about to escape when he caught hold of my hand. He had an apologetic look on his face. I took a deep breath and tried to remove my hand from his grip but he held it firmly.

"Let me go." I said, looking at him coldly.

"Not until you tell me why have you been avoiding me." He replied. I refused to admit and looked away from him.

"I'm not avoiding you. Why should I?"

"I have this feeling that you are escaping from me since you saw Candice and I together." He looked deeply into my eyes. I refused to make any eye contact with him. I knew I have to answer to him.

"Do you really want to know why? This is because that I felt that there's a need to keep away from guys who are attached. I'm already not popular in school. I do not wish to be someone who all hates." This time, I forced myself to look at him and slowly broke away from his grip. I could sense that he was upset but hey, I don't want anymore trouble now. I turned away from him and left silently.

Just as I walked to a quiet corner, a guy stopped in front of me. He looked muscular and well built. Well, another crappy guy. I gave him a stare but he ignored it.

"I command you to be my stead." He growls. Obviously, he did not understand me at all as I HATE people commanding me.

"No. Why should I? Who are you to command me?" I counter him back. He looked as if a cake was smashed onto his face as he turned his pair of hands into fists.

"Then I'll show you that I have the power to!" He tried to give me a slap but I was enraged by then and was ready to show him my skills. With that, I used my karate skills and taught him a lesson.

"This is to show you that girls aren't easy to bully." I hissed at him.

Just as I turned around, I saw Sylvester at the corner gaping.

[Sly POV]
I was standing there heartbroken when I saw a bully followed behind Adeline. Being concerned about her afterall, I followed him. It was when I saw Adeline confronted by him. When I decided to give her a hand and fight the bully. However, I was too shocked when I saw her fighting back skillfully that I did nothing but stood rooted to the ground. I never knew she could fight so well. When she turned around to leave, she saw me but refuse to slow down. This is the second time in the week that she walked past me without a word. My heart seems to hurt more and more.

PS. Well, if u noticed, i've been writing tis story at a great speed. Faster than my others. I really need ur comments lor so comment kkz! Wow, Adeline knows karate leh :P Anyway, I'll update it soon so check back kkz?!?! :D


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