Monday, December 27, 2004

Chapter 9 - Her Illness

[Sly POV]
I was shocked when I saw Adeline pushed away the student and got hit by the car. I can sense the others gaping behind me. When I rushed to her, she was bleeding profusely. However, on her face was a slight smile. A SLIGHT SMILE!!! How could anyone smile when they got hit by the car!!! Am I seeing things? But hey, It was indeed a smile! I accompanied her on the way to the ambulance. She had fainted but murmurs could be heard from her mouth.

"Don't leave me, you said you won't. You broke your promise. Please, don't leave..." It must be the guy she loved. "Please....Sly..." HUH!!! Is she calling me? When did I ever leave her? I saw a tear crept out at the edge of her eyes. Could it be, that guy she loved has the same name as me?

As I was pacing up and down the corridor, a lady in her late-thirties came rushing towards my direction.

"Hey, are you the one who sent Adeline here? What happened to her? Is she out yet?" She shot me all the questions in one breath.

"Yes, I'm the one who sent her here. She was met an accident. She's still in the operation room." I answered. At first, I thought she was Adeline's mother, but I was shocked when I heard her say, "How am I supposed to answer to her mum?". I plucked up my courage and asked for her identity.

"I'm Ms Fong, her psychologist, as well as family doctor." She introduced as she sizes me up. "You are?"

"I'm Sylvester, her classmate." I replied. All of a sudden, her face turned into a shocked one. "Sylvester Sim?" She almost fall on to the floor when I nodded. "Aren't you dead? How can you be alive? What happened?" I was confused. I didn't know what Ms Fong was talking about. When did I ever meet Adeline?

"I'm afraid you are mistakened. I...I do not remember meeting Adeline before she transferred in." I managed to answer though I was very confused myself. She didn't say anything much but mumbled,"I must have mistakened, Sly never did call her Adeline." Though I did not knew what she meant by that, I was very sure that she onced had a lover named Sylvester Sim. However, was that why she spoke to me instead of the other guys in school? Was I reminding her of the "him" in her mind? Should I leave her alone and give her peace? All thoughts vanished into thin air when the doctor walked out of the operation room. Ms Fong and I rushed up towards him.

"Is she all right? Is there anything wrong with her heart?" Ms Fong asked worriedly. Was there a problem with her heart? She never told me. Hey Sylvester Sim!!! Who are you to let her tell you her illness?

"She's perfectly all right, Patricia. You are getting too paranoid. However her heart was quite weak. Did she had another relapse recently?" The doctor asked. So both of them knew each other. I thought they were strangers. They started a conversation without sensing me standing like a nerd beside them.

"Yes, I heard her say this morning that her mood swings are getting off-hand." Ms Fong replied. Mood swings? So that's why she was like another person today. But, mood swings could be controlled right? I shook off all my thoughts and went to visit Adeline at her ward. Her face was pale and her hands cold. She was staring at the ceiling as I walked towards him.

"Are you all right Adeline?" I asked, concerned. She said nothing but simply nodded slightly.

[Ade POV]
I admit I was willing to let the car knock onto me. I didn't know what I was thinking. Was I really wanting to save that student or...I wanted the car to knock on me? That scene, it reminded me of the accident....

*~ Flashback ~*
"Nah!" Sly said as he passed a well-decorated little box to Adeline. When Adeline opened it, it was a cute ring that she had wanted to buy a week ago.

"Wow! You bought it?" Adeline exclaimed as she wore the ring on her finger, admiring it. She recalled that the ring costs $500+. "How could you waste your money? You must have wasted all your savings on it."

"Bingo! Anyway, wearing that on your finger meant you accepted my proposal right?" Sly asked jokingly. "WHAT!!!" Ade bulged her eyes out as she choked on her own saliva. "We..we...we're only 16!!! For goodness sake!" She stuttered. However, deep in her heart, there was a tinge of sweetness and happiness.

"I can wait. We'll wait till we're 18 and get married right away!" Sly answered confidently. Adeline tried to pull out the ring but with no avail. "I specially bought a size smaller than your finger. You can't pull it out anymore!" Sly laughed as Adeline blushed while kept trying to pull it out. Finally, she gave up and gave Sly a smack on his head. "I still can smack you!" She pouts and ran across the road. Suddenly, a car came out from nowhere and sped towards Adeline. "Adeline!" Sly shouts as he pushes Adeline away.

"Bang!" The car knocked Sly over. Adeline was shocked as tears pours out from her eyes.
*~ Back to Reality ~*

[Ade POV]
I thought I would die, or I should say, I wished that I would die. No one in this world cares for me. My mother, was too busy with her fashion business in England. My father, was too busy with his company in France. My housekeeper, only cares if I had a boyfriend outside. Even the person whom I trusted, my family doctor, Ms Patricia Fong, only cares for me in order to report to my parents. I was too clever to know all this. They thought I was in the dark, but I never did. Everyday, I was like a robot, comes to school and studies, goes home to revise. Was this the problem of being too perfect? Is it true that when you are good at something, you'll lose other things? I had everything in life. Money, looks, talent, intelligence, but not happiness. There was never warmth in my family. It's once in 5 blue moons that I ever have a dinner with my parents. I'm lonely, but who cares? They only care if I'm lacking money. There was never once when they asked me if I'm happy. I used to think I was happy in the past. But not now, when I'm getting too clever. How I wish that I'd find a way to be happy. As I was in a daze, Sylvester came into the room. Other than Dion, Serene and Yuli, I guess he's the only one who cares about me.

PS: Bingo! I've FINALLY completed tis chappy le....I was busy doing my projects, u see. While I was writing the ending of tis chap, i was feeling...umm...kinda depressed de lor....cos i was feeling sorry for Adeline. But horz, i feel tat it's true lor...when u hav sumthing, u'll lose another thing. There was once a schmate of mine, she was pretty, perfect, but her parents divorced lor....haiz...getting too sad liaoz...i'll promise to update soon kkz?


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