Saturday, December 11, 2004

Background info

Background info:
Tis is the first day of sch, or i shd say, Adeline's 1st day in DeQun JC as she had jus transferred in from another sch. This is onli the 2nd week of the 1st semester so every1 weren't too close wif each other. However, they hav already recognised those "bad" ppl in sch though it sounds impossible to have gangsters in JCs but it's true though....even though the sch had jus started, they were already known 4 their "trademarks". Below r the main characters in the story:

17 yr old
frm rich family
trademarks: arrogant, sunglasses on him, cold look, X-factor, lots of gal fans
frenz: Desmond, Kevin, Shane

17 yr old
frm rich family
trademarks: mood swings(will b understood later in the story), 2nd edition of faye wong(hates to tok 4 too long), black belt in tkd, lots of guy fans
frenz: Dion, Serene, Yuli

17 yr old
frm normal family
trademarks: gal-crazy, acts cool, musical talent, attracts females' attention(except 4 Adeline n her gang)
frenz: Sylvester, Kevin, Shane

17 yr old
frm normal family
trademarks: blur king(except 4 music),slow reaction, humble, honest, kind
frenz: no need to repeat le lah...waste energy

17 yr old
frm rich family
trademarks: cold towards every1 except his frenz, typical rich boy attitude

17 yr old
frm rich family
trademarks: sweet, bubbly, luvs to make friends, optimistic

17 yr old
frm musician family
trademarks: talented musician, bookworm

17 yr old
frm rich family
trademarks: nvr-say-die attitude, hates betrayal, righteous, look down on timid ppl

ps. So i guess tats all le lor....will inform u of more(if any) on the bottom of the page!!!! will b updated often!!!


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